How to turn off safe mode on a smartphone

Whether it starts automatically or manually, Android Safe Mode lets you solve problems while protecting your mobile phone. Learn how to turn it on and off in the event of a malfunction! You don't know if your Android smartphone restarted in safe mode for some reason. But rest assured, it's not disabled, it's just running in limited mode to protect itself.

It is not difficult to return to normal use of the smartphone, but it is better to do a few checks in advance.

In fact, Android Safe Mode is similar to Windows Safe Mode – it's even called that in versions of Android without a software overlay, such as on Google Nexus, Pixel or Nokia mobile devices. This mode is activated automatically when a serious problem is detected in the system. In most cases, this is due to a faulty app that causes the system to crash, or more dangerously, a virus that disrupts Android. In safe mode, the name of which is reflected in the lower left corner of the screen, only Google applications and those installed by default by the smartphone manufacturer are allowed to work. All other programs are shown with gray icons, and sometimes not at all for the simple reason that they are disabled.

So, if your smartphone works fine in safe mode (it doesn't slow down, doesn't crash, you can make calls and send text messages, Google Chrome shows web pages without shaking, etc.), then this gives you a high chance that the culprit is hiding among third-party applications. And you need a little check to prevent your smartphone from crashing again.

Also, note that safe mode doesn't just work automaticallyβ€”you can also manually activate it whenever you want when you see abnormal behavior or an error until the problem is fixed.

How to remove a malicious app in safe mode?

Android's safe mode is exactly what it is designed for, so that you can intervene in the work of a malicious application that refuses to uninstall itself in normal mode.

  • If your smartphone went into safe mode shortly after installing and using a new app, it is quite likely that it is the cause of the malfunction. Find the culprit among recently installed apps. If you have downloaded a lot of them, open Google Play.
  • Tap the circle icon with a letter in the upper right corner and select "My apps and games" from the menu
  • Tap the Installed Apps tab at the top center. The applications installed on the device are listed in alphabetical order.

Tap the three dashes at the end of "On this device" and select "Newest first." Identify among the proposed applications the one that may cause the problem and click on it once. In the window, click the "Delete" button to delete it.


  • Please note that it is not possible to remove applications that are installed by default on your mobile phone.

How to exit safe mode?

Have you uninstalled apps that may have caused problems on your mobile phone? It's time to deactivate the device's safe mode to be able to use it in normal mode.

With a classic reboot

  • NatisnΡ–t power button on your device for a few seconds. Then press the button "Reboot" which appears on the screen. Your smartphone will reboot normally. If no issues are found, it won't boot back into safe mode and you'll regain access to all your apps.

With a forced restart

  • If after a classic restart your mobile phone still works in safe mode, there can be two reasons for this: either the application responsible for the Android malfunction is still present (in this case, β€œhunt” again to remove it), or a standard restart was not enough. In this case, press and hold the power button mobile phone (more than ten seconds). The screen will turn off, then the device will reboot itself after a few seconds.
  • If that doesn't work, start over by pressing and holding the keys "volume down" + "power on". The mobile phone will reboot automatically.

How to activate safe mode?

You can always activate the Android safe mode on your smartphone yourself. This can be useful for removing a malicious application that does not want to uninstall. To do this, you need to try several methods. They vary depending on the smartphone model and manufacturer.

Standard method

  • This manipulation works with most devices. Press and hold the power buttonuntil you see the shutdown and restart options.
  • Hold down the on-screen power button for at least two seconds until a new menu appears. Follow the instructions on the screen.

An alternative method

  • The standard method does not work with all smartphone models. Sometimes it is necessary to manipulate several buttons. Turn off your smartphone, then press zoom button or decrease the volume simultaneously with power button. Hold until the device starts up. Then you need to select an option "Safe Mode" or "Safe mode" in the menu displayed on the screen.


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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

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The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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