How to securely send photos and videos from View Once to WhatsApp

Popular messaging service WhatsApp recently introduced its new View Once feature for iOS and Android platforms, a feature that allows users to send photos and videos that will only be displayed once to the recipient, after which the content will simply disappear.

This is a useful feature for sending a specific image or document that you don't want to keep in the chat for a long time. The images and videos you send using this feature will not appear in the recipient's phone gallery, protecting your privacy.

Here's a guide on how to use this one-time viewing feature on Android and iOS to send videos and images that the recipient can only access once.

How to use View Once on WhatsApp (Android, iOS)

Before you learn how to use the one-time view feature in WhatsApp, there are some points that you should pay attention to. First, you need to know that once you send a video or photo using this feature, you will no longer be able to see it, which means that it will not be possible to save, share, forward or add to the selected video or photo that you share.

In addition, photos and videos that will be sent using the "View Once" feature expire 14 days after sending, so if you do not open the content within two weeks, you will never see it again.

Now how you can use this feature:

First, you will need to open the latest version of WhatsApp and select the photo or video you want to send to your contact.
Then you need to tap on the "View once" icon next to the title bar of your WhatsApp chat. A warning will appear inside the content you want to send.
Finally, you need to click the link button to share a particular video or photo.

What does the function do?

Do not assume that this is a safe way to send protected material, as the messaging service itself recommends that you only share personal content using this feature with trusted people, as the recipient can record the screen or take a screenshot of the content being viewed. There will be no notifications about this.

Encrypted media files sent using this View Once feature will remain on WhatsApp's servers for a few weeks after you send them, before they disappear.

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