Telegram trolls WhatsApp

The rivalry between WhatsApp and Telegram is well known, and this confrontation has opened a new chapter on the social network Twitter, in which Telegram is mocking (who/what) WhatsApp with an epic troll: "What year is it?"

The messaging platform created by the Durov brothers took advantage of WhatsApp's post on their official Twitter account announcing the move of chats from iOS to Android to mimic the feature with a meme that reads, "What year is it?".

WhatsApp recently announced the transfer of chats between iPhone and Android and published it a few days ago on its official Twitter account, and Telegram used this moment to poke fun at the social network itself, reminding users of Facebook's proprietary chat service. That its platform implements automatic backup of all chats in the cloud and that users can switch from iOS to Android and vice versa without the need for migration.

Telegram also mocks WhatsApp because this new feature is not yet fully implemented, as it only allows you to transfer chats from iOS to Android, not the other way around, and what's more, it's not. It is currently available only for devices from the Korean manufacturer Samsung.

Although Telegram is light years ahead of WhatsApp in terms of functionality, the Facebook-owned instant messaging app is still the most popular in the world, with more than two billion monthly active users. But we can practically see how the trend is changing and that more and more users are switching from WhatsApp to Telegram.

Telegram vs WhatsApp

Recently, Telegram joined the prestigious club of apps with more than one billion downloads on Google Play.

Telegram was launched in 2013 and since its inception has become WhatsApp's biggest competitor. However, while it is not a big competitor in terms of number of users, the truth is that Telegram far surpasses WhatsApp in terms of functionality, security and privacy, as well as the frequency of updates.

Of course, India is Telegram's biggest market, accounting for 22% of its installs from the country, followed by Russia and Indonesia.

Thus, Telegram becomes the fifteenth application that has been downloaded more than a billion times, which is not equal to the number of users. In this way, it joins other services such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Spotify or Netflix.

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