The Apple store in Portland will reopen in 9 months

At one point during the height of the pandemic, Apple had to close all of its physical stores in the U.S. As operations begin to slowly return to normal, Apple stores around the world are now reopening. Apple Pioneer Plaza in Portland, Oregon will reopen at 11 a.m. this Monday (February 00). This will be the first time an Apple store has opened to customers in 22 days.

For most of the past year, Apple Stores in many areas of the US have been out of step with their operations. However, the Apple store in Portland has been closing its business in succession. Since the spread of COVID-19 across most of the US, the Portland Apple Store has been open for 3 days. It's less than anywhere else.

A series of unfortunate events and coincidences have forced this Apple store to close most of the time since the beginning of last year. Even as other retailers struggle, Apple has invested heavily in flagship stores over the past few years. It shows that the company still wants to stay in downtown Portland. Although the store is not open to customers, the store is constantly updated and used for undercover operations.

Нещодавно Apple проводить масштабний ремонт зовнішньої стіни. Пошкодження на шляху серйозні та потребують уваги перед відкриттям. Через пошкодження Apple повинна повністю відновити значну частину своїх дорогих вітрин. Інші магазини Apple в Орегоні знову відкрилися, і користувачі можуть робити покупки в магазині. Однак перед відвідуванням їм потрібно домовитись про “експертний шопінг”. Заходи безпеки COVID-19 у всіх місцях все ще ефективні.

The Apple Portland store has been closed since March 2019

According to 9to5mac, here's a series of events that took place at Apple's Pioneer Place

  • March 24, 2019: Apple Pioneer Place is temporarily closed for a major renovation project.
  • May 31, 2019: The store opens with a new design that includes indoor trees, a forum, and a video wall.
  • March 14, 2020: All Apple stores outside of Greater China are closed due to COVID-19.
  • May 27, 2020: Apple Pioneer Place reopens for service and in-store sales.
  • May 29, 2020: A store is looted and brutally attacked during a night of violence in Portland.
  • May 30, 2020: The day before the anniversary of the renovation of the store, it is closed and destroyed.
  • June 1, 2020: A community mural recognizing the death of George Floyd is painted on a temporary wall around the store.
  • December 23, 2020: Apple promises to donate a mural that has become an icon in downtown Portland.
  • January 22, 2021: Don't Shoot PDX receives the fresco, and later the panels are removed for preservation.
  • January 27, 2021: Apple's storefront restoration begins.
  • February 22: Apple Pioneer Place opens for the first time in 267 days.
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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

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The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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