TOP photo editing apps for Android and iOS

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Photography is one of the most important discoveries of the human race. Photo editors have also been around for quite some time.

Thanks to the smartphone revolution (they are a revolution, aren't they?), photo editors have reached the point where we might consider switching to them. Modern photo editing programs have proven to be very effective and worthy. So, in this article, we have listed the best photo editing apps for iPhone and Android.

Here are our top photo editors available for iPhone and Android.


З кого ще починати, крім власного Google. Snapseed – це редактор фотографій, який належить і розробляється Google. І якщо ми щось знаємо про Google, то вони найкращі, що стосується фотографій. Немає сумнівів, що Google має перевагу в тому, що має широку базу користувачів, ніж хто-небудь інший у цьому списку, що, зрештою, окупається для Google.

Snapseed comes with all the basic tools you need for photo editing, such as cropping, vignettes, straightening, frames, text, and more. The app also offers customizable filters, which is a great addition. Google's AI-powered Snapseed does a great job of making your photos look beautiful. First of all, Snapseed is free and available for both iPhone and Android. You can download it from the following links.

Google Play
App Store

Prisma Photo Editor

Prism will need no introduction (right?). This was at a time when most filters made our photos look like "drawings" or "paintings" (and honestly, they were all really terrible, weren't they?). There's no denying that Prisma has done a great job of turning our images into paintings that look like Picasso made their way into our homes.

You can avoid a lot of free filters, we recommend trying the premium version. Don't worry, it won't burn a hole in your pocket. Also, Prisma has its own community like Instagram / Facebook, so yes, your skills will not go unnoticed. You can download it from the following links.

Google Play
App Store

Adobe Photoshop Express

Here's a "professional" photo editor from a company that supposedly has a monopoly on PCs. The so-called mobile version of Photoshop allows the user to play with advanced (or just basic) functions such as exposure, contrast, color correction and much more.

Як вже було сказано вище, Adobe Photoshop Express – чудовий інструмент для налаштування ваших зображень. Маючи гідний вибір фільтрів, накладених текстур та інструментів для створення колажів, ми б сказали, що програма коштує копійки. Ви можете завантажити його за наступними посиланнями.

Google Play
App Store


VSCO – це все про фільтри. Вони роблять ваші фотографії схожими на зроблені за допомогою аналогової кінокамери. Так, базової версії вам більш ніж достатньо, але ви точно можете спробувати їх 7-денну безплатну пробну версію. Широкий асортимент пресетів включає ті, що створені для імітації класичних рулонів плівки від Kodak, Fujifilm та Ilford.

The user can also use VSCO to adjust exposure, temperature, contrast or skin tones. They can also share their crafts with the VSCO community or other social media platform. You can download it from the following links.

Google Play
App Store

Adobe Lightroom

Well, here's another one from Adobe. Lightroom for mobile is very similar to the one installed on the PC version. The app has the same set of tools as Lightroom on the desktop. And yes, it's not meant to add stickers to a photo (maybe you could do a little more work).

Проєкти синхронізуються в хмарі, дозволяючи користувачеві продовжувати працювати на своїй м’якій машині, якщо вони цього вимагають. Так, це платно, але з тієї причини, що він робить те, що вимагає. Ви можете завантажити його за наступними посиланнями.

Google Play
App Store


This particular one, as the name suggests, is for all foodies. A true foodie doesn't care what others think about their eating habits, and neither does the foodie. The Foodie editor is very similar to the Instagram editor. But here, all 30 filters and editing features are customized with food in mind. You can download it from the following links.

Google Play
App Store

Face care

This one, on the contrary, is intended for small details. We believe that there is nothing wrong with pimples, dark spots, bags under the eyes or teeth that are not quite white. But what if you don't want them in your selfies (you know, just to prove how bad you'll look without them). The free version of the program allows the user to quickly retouch their portrait photos. you can smooth skin, reduce skin shine, apply eye makeup, whiten teeth, etc.

However, the free version of the program is full of ads, so we recommend that you use the professional version.

Google Play
App Store

That's it, here's a list of the best photo editing apps, we hope you found this list useful.

We're open to suggestions, so let us know what you think about them by commenting below.

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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

Well, with the advent of gadgets in our lives, the scope of my interests expanded to include them as well.

I like to study and analyze the capabilities of various devices, and for many years, before buying anything new, I always study the capabilities of each potential model for a long time and carefully, spend quite a long and painstaking work, read reviews, reviews and comparisons.

The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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