In the iPhone 13 series, a bug has been discovered again

The iPhone 13 series is currently on the shelves in many regions, and its sales have been quite successful. This device comes with some improvements including smaller notch, high refresh rate, big battery, video mode, improved chip and so on.

However, since the release of the iPhone 13 series, several problems have arisen. There have been reports that the Apple Watch cannot unlock the iPhone. In addition, there are reports that the iPhone 13 series sometimes does not show the SIM card, deletes images, has problems with the touch screen, etc.

iPhone 13 series

Now there are reports that the iPhone 13 series, in particular the iPhone 13 Pro, has a charging bug. According to available data, after disconnecting the iPhone 13 Pro from the charger, it still shows the charging mark in the upper right corner of the screen. This is indeed an iPhone 13 Pro bug, but not a very common one. However, this is not an isolated case.

An iPhone 13 Pro user complained: “… my iPhone 13 Pro was charged with MagSafe, but the battery icon is always charging. Is this really unlimited charging?”

iPhone 13 series

In iOS 15, there are problems with the touch screen

Unlike Apple's iPhone 13 charging issue, iOS 15's touchscreen failure is clearly a major bug. There are many reports from Apple Support, Twitter, and Reddit that iPhone 13 users are experiencing issues with the touchscreen on the new phones. Weibo also has a large number of users reporting the same issue.

Also, some users are reporting that older iPhones have the same problem after updating to iOS 15. This suggests that the touchscreen issue is not unique to the iPhone 13 series. So we can rule out a possible hardware issue. Most likely, this problem remained in iOS 15.

Previously, one tap on the screen gave feedback, but now you need to tap 4~5 times. This is annoying for users. It is worth noting that since Apple released the official version of iOS 15, there have been many bugs such as device backup and restore errors and widget errors.

Apple used to be a very stable electronics company. So it's surprising that the company is struggling with so many bugs in its latest system.

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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

Well, with the advent of gadgets in our lives, the scope of my interests expanded to include them as well.

I like to study and analyze the capabilities of various devices, and for many years, before buying anything new, I always study the capabilities of each potential model for a long time and carefully, spend quite a long and painstaking work, read reviews, reviews and comparisons.

The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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