Step-by-step instructions on how to download movies and TV shows on Netflix

Netflix is ​​a popular streaming service that allows users to watch movies and series online. However, sometimes you may not have access to the Internet and still want to watch your favorite shows. In such cases, you can download movies and series from Netflix to watch them offline. Here's how to do it:

Netflix Subscribers

Step 1: Check device compatibility

To download movies and TV shows on Netflix, you need to have the latest version of the Netflix app on your device. The application is available on various devices, including:

  • iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 9.0 or later
  • An Android phone or tablet running Android 4.4.2 or higher
  • Amazon Fire tablet running Fire OS 4.0 or later
  • Tablet or PC with Windows 10 (version 1709 or later) or Windows 11
  • Chromebooks and Chromeboxes with the Netflix app from the Google Play Store

Step 2: Find and download movies and TV shows

Once you have the latest version of the Netflix app installed on your device, you can start downloading movies and TV shows. Here's how to do it:

1. Launch the Netflix app and click “Download” at the bottom.
2. Click on any TV show or movie and look for the "Downloads" icon to see if it's available for download, or filter by titles available for download. Not all titles are available for download.
3. Click on the “Download” icon and the show will start downloading to your device. You can customize the file and choose video quality and episodes.
4. After the download is complete, you can watch the show anytime, anywhere without an internet connection.

Step 3: Use “Download for you

If you want to make sure you always have something to watch offline, use Download for You This feature automatically downloads TV shows and movies that Netflix thinks you might like to your device. Here's how to turn it on or off:

1. Open the Netflix app and tap Downloads.
2. At the top of the screen, tap Smart Downloads.
3. Turn the feature on or off using the switch in the "Download for you" section.
4. If the “Download for you” function is enabled, use the and buttons to set the amount of memory (GB) to download for each profile.


Downloading movies and TV shows on Netflix is ​​a great way to watch your favorite shows offline. With the latest version of the Netflix app, you can easily download movies and TV shows to your device and watch them anytime, anywhere. Alternatively, you can use Download for You to automatically download TV shows and movies that Netflix thinks you might like.

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