Samsung has proposed an OLED screen that can be bent 200 times

Samsung — один з основних гравців в індустрії OLED. Як лідер на ринку малогабаритних OLED-екранів Samsung розкриває подробиці своїх гнучких OLED-екранів наступного покоління. Очевидно, компанія готується до випуску наступного флагманського пристрою у галузі. Судячи з деталей нового дисплея Samsung, гнучкий OLED-екран значно подовжить його термін служби. При нормальному використанні користувачі можуть зігнути 200 000 разів без пошкоджень. За словами Samsung, при звичайному використанні він може прослужити п’ять років.

Samsung AMOLED

In addition to making the screen look better, it uses ultra-thin UTG glass. This glass is an important balance between folding effect (durability) and image effect. As for the curvature of the screen, the details released by Samsung show that a folding radius of 1,4R (1,4mm) can be achieved. This has the advantage of reducing loop design complexity and cost, as well as minimizing assembly pressure.

Samsung AMOLED


According to Samsung's schedule, in the coming months they will introduce the corresponding new products. The next product will obviously be a new foldable smartphone.

Samsung will increase the production of OLED panels

Samsung – один з провідних виробників високотехнологічних компонентів для смартфонів, планшетів, ноутбуків та телевізорів. Компанії необхідно значно збільшити виробництво OLED-панелей для задоволення своїх потреб. Як повідомляє DigiTimes, компанія має намір розширити виробництво в Південній Кореї панелей QD-OLED із квантовими точками для телевізорів та панелей OLED для комп’ютерної техніки.

Currently, the production of LCD displays for TVs is discontinued. At the L7-2 plant, equipment for the production of LCD TV panels was replaced on the sixth generation OLED production line up to 1500 × 1850 mm, intended for small and medium-sized electronics.

L8-1 dismantled some of the large LCD production equipment and used the free space to build a production line for QD-OLED TV panels. Up to 30 panels are expected to be shipped each month.

In general, the production capacity of the L8-1 plant allows the production of up to one million 55- and 65-inch QD-OLED TVs per year. At the same time, Samsung intends to sell equipment for the production of LCD displays from China's BOE Technology or China Star Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT).

Since there are still vacancies at the L8-1 plant, the production of panels for QD-OLED TVs of the OLED 8.5 generation (2200 × 2500 mm) will be further expanded here - this technology is more economical than the sixth generation version.

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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

Well, with the advent of gadgets in our lives, the scope of my interests expanded to include them as well.

I like to study and analyze the capabilities of various devices, and for many years, before buying anything new, I always study the capabilities of each potential model for a long time and carefully, spend quite a long and painstaking work, read reviews, reviews and comparisons.

The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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