Defective Apple AirPods 3 are not repairable: Feel free to throw them away

Recently iFixit disassembled the recently released third-generation Apple AirPods. According to them, Apple AirPods 3 cannot be repaired. This means that if this product fails, your only option is to discard it and discard it, as this device cannot be repaired. Judging by the disassembly, Apple AirPods 3 still uses a sandwich architecture that contains fancy cables, chips and batteries.

Apple AirPods 3

Its battery has a unique "exclusive" design, without raging. This ensures that the battery will connect to the circuit, so it has a fairly high serviceability. Unfortunately, the repairability of AirPods 3 is limited to this.

When disassembling Apple AirPods3, you need to be very careful with the cables inside. Excessive force may break the case when opening the device. Therefore, welding and repairing the AirPod 3 case (if it breaks) will require a lot of effort.


Apple AirPods 3

In addition, Apple AirPods 3 are still covered with glue to ensure the strength and integrity of the case. During disassembly, very high pressure must be applied so that the disassembly tool penetrates the slot. This is also the biggest problem when repairing this device. Remnants of old glue and severely damaged slots make assembly difficult. Even if you remove it very carefully, you must remove the old adhesive and replace it with new adhesive to ensure a good fit.

Repairability of AirPods 3 is zero

So it's no surprise that iFixit gave the AirPods 3 a repairability score of 0 (out of 10). According to Apple's official website, the replacement price of AirPods 3 is 549 yuan (US$86), including an upgrade cost of 479 yuan (US$75) for the charging box. This is even higher than the price of buying a new set of headphones. So be careful when using or buying Care+ services or you will end up spending a lot of money.

AirPods 3 comes with an amplifier with extended dynamic range and a microphone. The microphone has an acoustic mesh that reduces wind noise. AirPods are also equipped with AAC-ELD, an excellent speech codec that promises Full HD voice quality for clear and natural communication on FaceTime calls. In addition, this device is equipped with an H1 chip, Dolby Atmos and IPX4 waterproof.

As for battery life, the device promises up to six hours of listening time. However, if you use the charging case, you can get up to 30 hours of total listening time. Five minutes of charging provide about an hour of battery life.

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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

Well, with the advent of gadgets in our lives, the scope of my interests expanded to include them as well.

I like to study and analyze the capabilities of various devices, and for many years, before buying anything new, I always study the capabilities of each potential model for a long time and carefully, spend quite a long and painstaking work, read reviews, reviews and comparisons.

The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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