Adobe introduced Photoshop for the browser and more

Adobe introduced a set of new features and applications during the Max Conference, which took place today. One of the biggest and most exciting announcements was probably the new Photoshop for the web browser. As the name suggests, this is a web version of Photoshop with limited editing support.

It is designed for collaborative work. Users can store PSD files in the cloud, share a link with collaborators, and view and comment in a new comment panel that will sync with Photoshop on the desktop.

Adobe also announced new Photoshop features for iPad. This is a massive update that supports RAW files from the entire Adobe Camera RAW list, as well as Apple ProRAW files from the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 models. Other features include sky replacement, a healing brush, and a magic wand. These features aren't new to users of the main Photoshop desktop app, but they're now widely used in the iPad version of Photoshop.

The program now introduces a new smart object masking feature for Photoshop on the desktop. Users just need to hover over an object and Sensei AI will be able to isolate it in a new mask.


As a result, local adjustments can be applied to it. For multiple objects, you can choose “Layer” >> “Mask All Objects” to generate masks. Landscape Mixer can create a completely different season for a landscape shot in seconds. This feature even masks and harmonizes people in the scene. Therefore, they will not look out of place.


In addition to Photoshop, there is a new version of illustrations for browsers. Just like in Photoshop, the new version provides the possibility of collaboration. This function is probably even more interesting in days of isolation and homework. This is useful for a design team or when one designer starts work and another decides to finish it.

Illustrator for iPad has also received some interesting improvements. The company releases an earlier version of Vectorize. It's the next evolution of image tracing, turning any image into crisp vector graphics with increased precision and control. And for desktops, Adobe has improved 3D effects and added a large library of Adobe Substance 3D materials.

For those interested in more detailed information about the next big updates for Adobe, just follow here.

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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

Well, with the advent of gadgets in our lives, the scope of my interests expanded to include them as well.

I like to study and analyze the capabilities of various devices, and for many years, before buying anything new, I always study the capabilities of each potential model for a long time and carefully, spend quite a long and painstaking work, read reviews, reviews and comparisons.

The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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