Facebook and Google require employees to wear masks

Last week, Facebook required its employees to get vaccinated before returning to work. Yesterday, Facebook announced that they must also wear masks. The new rules will come into force this Wednesday.

Підхід Facebook пов’язаний із повторним зростанням епідемії в США. Звичайно, у Сполучених Штатах є великі ресурси вакцин. Але рівень охоплення вакцинами поки що був меншим за 60%. Уряд США звинувачує поширення неправдивої інформації у причинах застою вакцинації. Крім того, слабке запобігання епідеміям громадськості знову посилило епідемію в США.

Facebook confirmed mass media, that employees are required to wear masks to work, saying that the health and safety of employees and neighbors in the community is still the company's top priority. In view of the increase in the number of cases of COVID-19, new variants of COVID-19 and compliance local government, Facebook has decided to require all employees in its US office to wear masks to work, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not.

Previously, only unvaccinated employees had to wear masks when entering the Facebook office to go to work, but they can remove their masks if they have been vaccinated. The new rules are equivalent to requiring all workers to wear masks, including contractors, of course.


In fact, on the same day that Facebook required workers to wear masks, health officials in the San Francisco Bay Area in the US also announced that masks must be worn in certain areas, regardless of whether people were vaccinated or not.

Google did the same

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the number of viruses of the type of COVID -19 Delta in the United States. The US government has taken over the request for vaccination of government employees. Technology companies also reacted to this.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai noted that in order to make efforts to bring employees back to the company for work, Google will promote two new measures. First of all, everyone who enters the enterprise to work must complete vaccination.

This requirement will first be implemented in the US within a few weeks. It will be rolled out to other regions over the next few months. But this is mandatory only if the country already has stocks of vaccines.

Second, Google will extend the period for employees to work from home until October 18. Google will also continue to monitor the resolution of the outbreak with the goal of returning all employees to the company.

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