Windows 11 will focus on Win32 application optimization

Microsoft has officially released Windows 11. However, we still have a couple of months before we finally get it on our devices. With all that said, there are reports that the main focus of Microsoft's app optimization team is traditional Win32 apps, not UWP.

In particular, Windows 11 will focus on embedding WinUI 3 in Win32 applications. The latest was announced at the Build 2020 conference. It is a new user interface that inherits the traditions of WinUI and UWP XAML, and also provides the latest graphical features and styles of Fluent Design.

Office updated to Windows 11 seems to be a microcosm of WinUI3. The so-called Win32 application is actually the most common and familiar to us - an executable .exe program, but there are a large number of programs that are incompatible with the visual style of Win11.

According to Microsoft, the official version of Windows 11 will arrive by the end of the year. According to reports, this system will arrive by October 20. There are reports that a preliminary adaptation of WinUI3 will be formed before then.


Windows 11 users can upgrade to Windows 10

According to Microsoft, if you want to go back to Windows 10, the you will have 10 days to put the previous version back in place. However, if the user has been using Windows 11 for less than 10 days, the downgrade process will be very simple. But, IIf a user has been on Windows 11 for more than 10 days, the downgrade process is a bit complicated. This is because the user will need to install an operating system (such as Windows 10) after uninstalling Windows 11.

If you've been using Windows 11 for less than 10 days, downgrading is easy. You will have to pass a built-in Windows Recovery and Backup image, and users can downgrade it via Settings > Update & Security > Recovery.

However, if more than 10 days have passed, you will not be able to enter recovery options. But you can still restore the old operating system. As Microsoft and Lenovo point out, you can restore Windows 10 by performing a clean install.

To perform a clean installation of Windows 10, you can use Microsoft's media creation tool. This tool will allow you to reinstall Windows 10 and create a bootable flash drive. However, this process will delete your apps and settings, which means you need to back up your files and apps manually.

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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

Well, with the advent of gadgets in our lives, the scope of my interests expanded to include them as well.

I like to study and analyze the capabilities of various devices, and for many years, before buying anything new, I always study the capabilities of each potential model for a long time and carefully, spend quite a long and painstaking work, read reviews, reviews and comparisons.

The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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