Виходить ще одна Windows 11: Виставлена ​​версія Microsoft Win11 SE

Сьогодні версія для попереднього перегляду Windows 11 відбилася в Інтернеті. Багато користувачів мережі вже встановили та випробували новий користувальницький інтерфейс. Ми бачили скриншоти частин цієї системи, таких як «меню Пуск», панель завдань тощо. Зі скриншотів на сьогодні користувальницький інтерфейс Windows 11 є повною модернізацією свого попередника.

Вікно розроблено із закругленими кутами, в «меню Пуск» бракує динамічної плитки, а панель завдань за замовчуванням відцентрована. Це дуже схоже на припинену систему Win10X.


Згідно з нещодавніми звітами, у збірці прихована версія Windows 11 «SE». Поки що, схоже, заблоковано купу параметрів налаштування в налаштуваннях і вимкнено додаток Microsoft Store. Це може бути версія Windows, призначена для роботи на хмарній комп’ютерній службі Microsoft PC.


Microsoft оголосила, що 24 червня проведе захід щодо системи Windows. Генеральний директор Microsoft Сатья Наделла випустить нове покоління Windows. Згідно з повідомленнями, ця система вийде з найзначнішими змінами в операційній системі ПК за останнє десятиліття.

Windows 11 includes many elements of Windows 10X

The new Windows 11 will come in all versions previously available for Windows 10. We will have Windows 11 Home, Pro, Enterprise and others.

Even the installation interface brings a new design update that deviates significantly from what we are used to in Windows 10. There are many new icons with shadows and a slight 3D-like effect. This is a major departure from the flat design installed by Windows 11.

One of the most notable features of this leaked build is that it looks like Windows 10X. For those who don't know, Windows 10X was a new version of the OS aimed at hybrid devices. Microsoft has decided to end the platform for good, but apparently some of the work is being used with Windows 11.

Windows 10X promised some changes, such as running apps in containers so they can't access the rest of the system. However, this is not the case with the build of Windows 11. It seems that the company is simply using the Windows 10X shell on top of Windows 10.

You may also have noticed the new Windows logo, which is a blue Microsoft logo. The icon replaces the trapezoid logo. The company appears to be changing the nature of the Windows brand to something more Microsoft-branded.

The taskbar is now centered, but you can customize it. In case you haven't noticed, the system offers a new Start icon. In addition, Windows Search is also getting a brand new look.

Apparently, Microsoft also uses some elements of Sun Valley UX. This includes floating centered departures. In addition, the new search menu allows you to filter results by programs, documents, settings, etc. File Explorer doesn't change much, but all the icons are different compared to Windows 10.

As for the apps, nothing really changes in terms of design. However, this may change in the future. If you remember, Windows 10 in its early versions was very close to Windows 8.1 in terms of design.

Windows 11 will bring back widgets. However, this time we have something closer to macOS, and it will most likely replace Live Tiles. It is worth noting that the widgets will look different if you are in light and dark modes.

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I have always been interested in IT technologies. And since my previous many years of professional activity (which is design and pre-press preparation) is not possible without their help, it so happened that everything that was related to computers (for example, collecting and modernizing "hardware", as well as configuring software ) I always had to do it myself.

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The reward for my time is usually that most of the time I really do get the best of what I can get within my budget.

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