OnePlus is resuming Android 12 Developer Preview for OnePlus 9

OnePlus is well known for keeping a close eye on Google with each new version of Android. The company is spending more time updating its smartphones now that it has a larger lineup. However, as for the latest flagships, they should continue to receive new Android updates first and quickly.

Shortly after the launch, the OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro devices became part of the Android 12 Developer Preview. The company released the first preview, but it didn't work as planned. After the update, some devices were "bricked" and the company was forced to immediately stop the update.

But now she is deploys Android 12 Developer Preview for OnePlus 9 series, hoping for the best.

The company's official post on this matter states:

«Ця нова версія — виправлення, яке усуває проблему, через яку оригінальна версія застрягла під час перевірки Factory Reset Protection (FRP)». Список відомих проблем, які OnePlus записав у допис, включає всі втрати даних під час прошивки Developer Preview, відсутність функції відеодзвінка після оновлення, розблокування за обличчям та відбитками пальців недоступні, кілька екранів інтерфейсу виглядають «менше, ніж бажано», збої з роботою додатків, проблеми зі стабільністю системи та ймовірність збою камери в режимі HDR».

Do not run the installation of this update unless you are prepared to deal with certain consequences. OnePlus says the update may still brick some devices. She recommends that non-advanced users install it. No one wants to turn a super expensive flagship into a paperweight, right?


There are risks even for advanced users, so be careful. Until the company decides to unveil OxygenOS 12, the new update might not be truly groundbreaking for beta testers.

OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro are among the first smartphones with Android 12 OS

The update will only be applicable to the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro, the 2021 flagship duo. The Chinese firm is one of the first vendors with an "active" developer program for Android 12. However, the issue of "bricked" devices is certainly a huge problem for the company. Hopefully users will have a better experience this time around.

For most users, it is recommended to wait for future updates or at least feedback on this Developer Preview. In the coming months, the company will continue with the release of the Developer Preview.

The full version of Android 12 will debut this September, and OnePlus should follow with the official announcement of OxygenOS 12.

Android 12 comes with several improvements and a new Material You approach. As for the visuals, OnePlus makes its own.

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